Thursday, August 15, 2019

Challenges facing the Global Blood Plasma Products Market

Usually when one thinks of the term ‘supply chain’ an image of warehouses, processing plants, shipping docks, and logistics chains come to mind. The same can’t be said for the supply of one very vital ingredients for use in health care – and that’s blood. At the moment, that supply of blood of use in the Global Blood Plasma Products Market can best be described as volatile. 

As you know this one critical material can’t be manufactured like you would cars, smartphones. PCs etc. There is no synthetic alternate or substitute for it either, adding to which is highly perishable and deteriorates completely in little over a month. As a result, this industry is stuck on this issue and has few ways to address fluctuating demands.

 Changes in medical practices mean that hospitals needless blood and there is a surplus amount sitting in blood banks. On one hand, there’s just enough for when it’s needed, but when it’s not then suppliers have to lower their prices or lose big hospitals over to competing blood banks.

Usually, the best approach to deal with this fallout is to consider partnerships, merger, consolidations of processing facilities and testing labs. This counteracts escalating costs of operations in the blood banking process after all blood will still have to be made available. 

And this last step requires investments in blood supply chains analysis tools which is an additional expense, on top of a demand that recedes unexpectedly.   

Next, the sources are still the same – that is, individual’s donations, blood collection services, and blood banks that all work on a non-profit model. And yet still, it’s essential for running a global market valued at USD 28.4 Bn. Surprisingly, given the value that blood has in medical research, there is a serious budget deficit that can hamper research and development of blood banking at large and its related fields – that’s not good for blood services either. This can impact the many activities, the effectiveness of the blood supply chain and how quickly it can respond in times of emergency.

Our related post:
Contribution of Global Blood Plasma Products Market to medicine

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